hand over 131.93   Hand over the money, or else!
  hand down 42.20   It will hand down its decision next summer.
  hand off 7.57   Why hand off?
  hand at 6.32   Schedules are handed out at the door.
  hand for 6.12   No verdict was handed down for Hoa.
  hand in 5.99   Gotta hand it in tomorrow.
  hand by 4.15   FOUR HANDS By Paco Ignacio Taibo II.
  hand up 2.83   He handed up half a liter of milk.
  hand on 2.63   The awards will be handed out on Friday.
  hand through 2.11   It has been handed down through the family of President John Adams.
  hand with 1.78   Not with this bleeding hand.
  hand as 1.51   The pens are later handed out as gifts.
  hand without 1.05   Such sentences are handed down without trial.
  hand before 0.99   The brothers shooks hands before Judge Albert Emanuelli.
  hand of 0.92   ...the dead hand of bureaucracy.
  hand after 0.72   He fled empty handed after striking a security guard on the head.
  hand during 0.72   They returned empty handed during the night.
  hand like 0.72   I with the flayed face held in my two hands like a bloody towel.
  hand around 0.66   Arms were being handed out around the town.
  hand across 0.59   They are traditions born of faith and handed down across time.
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