hand grenade 58.06   Is there any way short of a hand grenade?
  hand recount 19.03   Hand recounts were occurring.
  hand count 15.08   The hand counts should most definitely be honored.
  hand injury 9.55   Agus suffered minor hand injuries.
  hand signal 6.12   We have a few hand signals.
  hand tool 6.06   Planes are important hand tools.
  hand gesture 5.53   Hand gestures fly.
  hand specialist 3.09   He will be examined by a hand specialist Friday.
  hand gun 2.90   Ban hand guns OR carry hand guns?
  hand motion 2.04   Until then, Langenbrunner said hand motions and smiles will have to do.
  hand transplant 2.04   Hand transplants remain experimental and controversial.
  hand speed 1.84   His terrific hand speed generates good power.
  hand pump 1.71   Everyone ordering hand pumps.
  hand thrust 1.71   He attacked with hand thrusts and pulled Musashimaru down.
  hand towel 1.51   Another suggested I pad my backside with a hand towel.
  hand movement 1.38   Some people have trouble controlling their hand movements.
  hand ball 1.25   Chile is called for a hand ball.
  hand weight 1.25   Should they carry hand weights?
  hand search 1.18   Most opt for the hand search, citing time factors, Murphy said.
  hand control 1.05   He bought a car with a hand control.
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