halfcourt offense
1.91 |
He has made their halfcourt offense execute better. |
halfcourt game
1.18 |
They are highly capable running, or in the halfcourt game. |
halfcourt set
0.79 |
Normally, teams are forced to execute mostly in halfcourt sets in the playoffs. |
halfcourt team
0.53 |
More like the cumbersome halfcourt teams in New York earlier this decade. |
halfcourt defense
0.33 |
But a vicious halfcourt defense prevented the Clippers from getting a good shot. |
halfcourt shot
0.33 |
Nearby, reserve Kevin Daley practiced his halfcourt shot. |
halfcourt line
0.26 |
But Payton was breaking to his left, and the pass bounced untouched past the halfcourt line. |