gunboat fire 2.17   A navy gunboat fired and blew the Tiger boat out of the water.
  gunboat destroy 1.12   Navy gunboats destroyed the rebel boats.
  gunboat patrol 1.05   Gunboats patrolled Boston Harbor.
  gunboat open 0.99   Both trawlers exploded and sank when the gunboats opened fire on them.
  gunboat shell 0.99   Gunboats again shell coastal highway.
  gunboat sink 0.79   Navy gunboats sank a rebel boat in that area on Sunday night.
  gunboat attack 0.46   Navy gunboats attacked Tamil Tiger rebel boats heading toward Jaffna city, the guerilla capital captured by the military, officials said Wednesday.
  gunboat begin 0.26   Karaman added that Turkish gunboats had begun patrolling the area.
  gunboat continue 0.26   Israeli gunboats also continued to enforce a blockade of the ports of Beirut, Tyre and Sidon, the Lebanese army said.
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