guide team 5.33   She guided her team to victory.
  guide visitor 2.37   And printing enough floor plans to guide visitors until next May.
  guide plane 2.17   Pilots then guide their planes to the ground.
  guide country 1.91   Two leaders guide country during financial crisis.
  guide decision 1.91   Strategy, not history, guides his decision.
  guide policy 1.65   And they establish an expert advisory committee to help guide HHS policy.
  guide tour 1.51   She guides tours in small groups.
  guide people 1.45   Guide the people?
  guide action 1.38   Guiding his actions was the plan.
  guide child 1.38   Oliveira guided her children from prison.
  guide club 1.32   Assistant Makis Dedrinos has guided the club since.
  guide company 1.32   The family guided the company to solid returns.
  guide ship 1.32   He guides the ship.
  guide ball 1.25   The more you press, that leads you to guide the ball.
  guide bomb 1.18   They blasted a tank and an armored personnel carrier with laser guided bombs.
  guide effort 1.18   Goals focus and guide the efforts of a committed organization.
  guide student 1.12   Results are published to guide future students.
  guide career 1.05   Hopefully, those who guide the careers of other talented young fighters were watching.
  guide missile 1.05   Gyroscopes can be used to help guide long-range missiles.
  guide reader 1.05   Much of his writing was meant to guide readers in finding importance in their lives.
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