gubernatorial candidate 15.08   But how did Al Lewis became a gubernatorial candidate?
  gubernatorial race 9.81   The Texas gubernatorial race is this year.
  gubernatorial election 7.04   Gubernatorial elections are scheduled for May.
  gubernatorial campaign 4.61   He also managed her gubernatorial campaign last year.
  gubernatorial nomination 3.23   Tony Sanchez won the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.
  gubernatorial nominee 1.45   And Rep. Jennifer Dunn, R-Wash., predicted victory for the GOP gubernatorial nominee.
  gubernatorial bid 1.32   He left to make a gubernatorial bid.
  gubernatorial primary 1.18   Peron is challenging Lungren in the Republican gubernatorial primary.
  gubernatorial appointee 0.86   All are gubernatorial appointees who serve six-year terms.
  gubernatorial aide 0.59   And gubernatorial aides hotly disputed the accusation of a slowdown in processing returns.
  gubernatorial appointment 0.59   After Clinton was reelected, both men were given prestigious gubernatorial appointments.
  gubernatorial contest 0.59   Much more is at stake next year than in the two gubernatorial contests this year.
  gubernatorial debate 0.46   Forget those phony, uptight gubernatorial debates that nobody watches.
  gubernatorial term 0.46   And if for some reason Perry cannot complete this gubernatorial term, Ratliff would become governor.
  gubernatorial veto 0.46   Tuesday, Vallee said he would not try to override a gubernatorial veto.
  gubernatorial candidacy 0.39   He said a gubernatorial candidacy gives him the platform.
  gubernatorial post 0.39   The PAN now controls four gubernatorial posts.
  gubernatorial contender 0.33   The only other Democratic gubernatorial contender, Houston lawyer John WorldPeace, was not invited to speak.
  gubernatorial decree 0.33   Sutiyoso said the decision would soon be issued in a gubernatorial decree.
  gubernatorial office 0.33   Then he toured the ceremonial gubernatorial office known as the Red Room.
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