guard entrance 6.91   Israeli soldiers guard the entrance.
  guard building 5.40   Every major building is guarded.
  guard border 5.27   They guard our borders.
  guard site 5.07   Police now guard the site.
  guard privacy 4.34   She guards her privacy.
  guard area 4.15   Police were still guarding the area.
  guard house 2.30   Neighbors guard his house each night.
  guard door 2.24   Guarded door.
  guard prisoner 2.24   Two policemen were assigned to guard the prisoner.
  guard embassy 1.97   The Marines are in Afghanistan to guard that embassy.
  guard gate 1.97   The gates were heavily guarded by police.
  guard home 1.65   Gunmen guarded homes near the cemetery with shotguns.
  guard perimeter 1.51   Macedonian forces guard the perimeter.
  guard road 1.38   Taliban guarding the road gave no reason for the closure.
  guard station 1.38   Each station was guarded by three uniformed policemen.
  guard camp 1.32   The refugees also fear the presence of Burundi soldiers sent to guard the camps.
  guard green 1.32   The relatively large green is guarded by two bunkers.
  guard president 1.32   It is no picnic guarding presidents.
  guard compound 1.18   Groups of Tajik soldiers guard the compound.
  guard secret 1.18   They jealously guard their secrets.
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