greek government 16.00   It was later lent to the Greek government.
  greek official 14.48   Greek officials reacted swiftly.
  greek authority 11.26   Greek authorities have agreed to honor it.
  greek island 7.50   Greek islands.
  greek mythology 5.53   I like Greek mythology.
  greek police 5.00   Greek police said they had alerted German authorities.
  greek tragedy 4.87   Greek tragedy on Friday.
  greek medium 4.48   But Greek media has no such restraint.
  greek embassy 4.34   He was captured in Kenya after leaving the Greek embassy.
  greek counterpart 4.02   His Greek counterpart agreed.
  greek minority 3.82   Albania has a Greek minority.
  greek team 3.75   No Greek team has won a European title.
  greek capital 3.62   He was then expected in the Greek capital Athens late Sunday.
  greek province 3.62   Greece says the name implies claims on the northern Greek province called Macedonia.
  greek side 3.16   The Greek side was also pleased.
  greek flag 2.96   He was referring to a Greek flag on the islet.
  greek television 2.96   It also aired on a Greek television station.
  greek myth 2.90   Greek myth, that is.
  greek god 2.83   Visually he was like a Greek god, an African god.
  greek border 2.76   Many Greek border villages are reporting frequent robberies.
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