gothic cathedral 2.57   Gothic cathedral.
  gothic architecture 2.50   Gothic architecture.
  gothic style 1.78   The windows are in simple Gothic style.
  gothic church 0.92   Outside Prague there are a number of outstanding later Gothic churches.
  gothic building 0.79   The present, fine Gothic building replaced two earlier Romanesque ones.
  gothic spire 0.79   The crowds at the Gothic spires are gone.
  gothic horror 0.53   Gothic horror has given way to MTV.
  gothic novel 0.53   A postmodern Gothic novel about a spooky Maine town.
  gothic design 0.46   The aisles of the same height are in Gothic design.
  gothic romance 0.39   At the same time, however, romantic suspense or gothic romance was having a heyday.
  gothic vault 0.39   The choir, with its carved wood stalls and Gothic vault is the most impressive part.
  gothic window 0.39   The Gothic window.
  gothic arch 0.33   They sat under Gothic arches, separated by a dreamy mural of Muses watching over images of knowledge and work.
  gothic look 0.33   It had a slightly Gothic look to it.
  gothic period 0.33   By the Gothic period, artists no longer took monsters as seriously.
  gothic tower 0.33   Duke is all Gothic towers and greenery.
  gothic work 0.33   The southwest tower is a wonderful instance of late Gothic work.
  gothic castle 0.26   They produced a castellated Gothic castle which is unmatched.
  gothic chapel 0.26   It even comes with a Gothic chapel.
  gothic fantasy 0.26   Below is a Gothic fantasy of plunging gorges and isolated mesas - flat tablelands with steep edges - all in paintbox colours.
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