german government 81.76   German government bonds were unchanged.
  german mark 76.10   Buy German marks.
  german company 48.52   The government awarded a German company the contract.
  german official 45.10   German officials offered nothing new in response.
  german authority 34.36   German authorities said.
  german rate 25.15   He expects German rates to rise in the next six months.
  german tourist 24.69   German tourists took pictures.
  german police 23.77   German police said the three were killed.
  german soldier 23.17   One German soldier was injured.
  german team 22.25   The German team is a great team.
  german economy 21.13   He credited an improving German economy.
  german troop 19.82   That day, German troops march into Prague.
  german bank 19.22   German banks .....
  german bond 15.67   German bonds rose faster.
  german medium 15.14   Already, the German media are entranced.
  german law 14.94   German law bans child pornography.
  german state 14.81   ...a unified German state.
  german leader 14.48   German leaders had no comment.
  german currency 14.29   Masse also helped her cash in some old German currency.
  german television 13.50   Who owns German television stations.
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