geological formation 1.71   Seismic surveys use sound waves to chart geological formations.
  geological survey 1.45   ...the organizer of the geological survey of India.
  geological study 1.12   That means years of tedious geological studies and elaborate computer models.
  geological fault 0.99   Quakes happen when geological faults accumulate strain, then release it.
  geological time 0.99   Over geological time, underground streams carved caves.
  geological feature 0.92   As it dries, geological features indicating past quakes become easier to see.
  geological evidence 0.66   More geological evidence found later proved the theory correct.
  geological process 0.66   It looked, and felt, like a geological process was taking place.
  geological datum 0.59   This one has that plus geological data.
  geological history 0.46   The other strand concerns the local geological history.
  geological map 0.46   The geological map, Fig.
  geological phenomenon 0.46   Monument Valley is a geological phenomenon in southeastern Utah.
  geological structure 0.46   BP claimed the geological structure of the area in central-eastern Casanare province makes exploration more costly.
  geological force 0.39   I also came to think of big trucks as a kind of geological force in their own right.
  geological period 0.39   He published many research papers on various geological periods.
  geological record 0.33   They might have left evidence of their passing in the geological record.
  geological research 0.33   He was just doing basic geological research.
  geological term 0.33   Even the landscape itself is relatively new, in geological terms.
  geological activity 0.26   Here is a clear example of a rare rock type that has been strongly concentrated by lunar geological activity.
  geological condition 0.26   Nobody, not even the Labour party, could change the geological conditions.
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