geographic area 9.35   They told me they had enough people in my geographic area.
  geographic region 5.33   Tastes vary depending on geographic region.
  geographic location 2.17   Geographic location, west to east?
  geographic reach 1.45   The first problem concerns geographic reach.
  geographic boundary 1.32   No geographic boundaries or epochs of time restrict its scope.
  geographic information 1.32   But a photo alone does not clearly convey geographic information.
  geographic distribution 1.12   Geographic distribution is now considered in making grants.
  geographic line 0.99   But those reviews are never conducted along geographic lines.
  geographic position 0.92   Bulgaria also seeks to capitalize on its geographic position on a main trade route between Europe and Asia.
  geographic proximity 0.92   Geographic proximity makes Canada an obvious bolthole for American criminals.
  geographic market 0.86   The geographic market for Internet browsers is worldwide.
  geographic diversity 0.72   Equally fascinating was a report on the geographic diversity of gangs.
  geographic balance 0.66   This geographic balance will provide a platform for dynamic growth.
  geographic center 0.59   The geographic center is a slice of the Upper East Side hugging Central Park.
  geographic expansion 0.59   The company said geographic expansion is a key to its growth strategy.
  geographic coverage 0.53   Omnitel, which began operating its service in December, said its network already had sufficient geographic coverage.
  geographic disparity 0.53   The geographic disparities are also startling.
  geographic distance 0.53   Still, geographic distance remains a problem.
  geographic isolation 0.53   In its battle against the Medfly, Chile benefited greatly from its geographic isolation.
  geographic split 0.53   Two-thirds of the participants said they preferred a geographic split when contacted.
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