genuine article 5.60   The genuine article.
  genuine refugee 5.20   We need laws that will protect genuine refugees.
  genuine concern 3.95   That is a genuine concern.
  genuine interest 3.29   Eddie asks with genuine interest.
  genuine peace 2.37   What it does not have is genuine peace.
  genuine desire 1.91   It has a genuine desire to see a safer world.
  genuine affection 1.71   The genuine affection cuts both ways.
  genuine hero 1.71   He is a genuine American hero.
  genuine threat 1.65   Now that would be a genuine threat to American security.
  genuine emotion 1.45   Was it genuine emotion or a ploy?
  genuine reform 1.45   But there are signs of genuine reform.
  genuine democracy 1.38   Genuine democracy was being established.
  genuine love 1.32   This was a genuine love story.
  genuine feeling 1.25   Lindsey stifled a genuine feeling of sorrow.
  genuine competition 1.12   But baseball, like politics, is no longer about genuine competition.
  genuine effort 1.12   It was a genuine bipartisan effort.
  genuine fear 1.05   She found genuine fear in this tiny room.
  genuine commitment 0.99   There is genuine commitment here.
  genuine crisis 0.99   The welfare system was in genuine crisis.
  genuine need 0.99   Goldman said the rules met a genuine need.
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