genocide charge 9.41   He also faces genocide charges.
  genocide suspect 7.04   Many are genocide suspects.
  genocide trial 5.00   U.N. resumes Rwanda genocide trial.
  genocide survivor 2.24   Genocide survivors demonstrate against new violence.
  genocide tribunal 1.58   Prime minister calls for genocide tribunal by end of the year.
  genocide case 1.05   The glut of genocide cases, however, poses a serious obstacle.
  genocide law 0.86   Under the genocide law, only those who organized the slaughter face the death penalty.
  genocide conviction 0.72   Prosecution asks for genocide conviction.
  genocide court 0.66   Violence hinders genocide court, prosecutor says.
  genocide victim 0.59   Clinton meets with Rwandan genocide victims.
  genocide convention 0.53   Switzerland looks to join genocide convention.
  genocide museum 0.53   It is now a genocide museum.
  genocide investigation 0.39   The team is one of three conducting a genocide investigation in the former Zaire.
  genocide crime 0.33   She was the third witness to testify in the first U.N. trial prosecuting genocide crimes in Rwanda.
  genocide indictment 0.33   The genocide indictment was widely welcomed in Bosnia.
  genocide defendant 0.26   Like all other genocide defendants held by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Akayesu says he has no money.
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