gene be 21.79   But genes are genes.
  gene make 3.49   Proteins are made by genes.
  gene cause 2.50   But in times of plenty, those genes cause chaos.
  gene produce 2.11   Once inside the cells, the genes produce the two proteins.
  gene play 2.04   Clearly, genes play a part.
  gene do 1.97   The next question was, What does this gene do?
  gene work 1.78   But how the genes work is only partly understood.
  gene have 1.71   Mouse genes have human counterparts.
  gene control 1.58   The tat gene of HIV controls the rate of viral DNA replication.
  gene come 1.05   The gene came from a bacterium.
  gene appear 0.92   The gene appears to affect the way the body handles cholesterol, they said.
  gene seem 0.92   The genes seem to function for months.
  gene help 0.86   The genes also help maintain heart rhythms.
  gene influence 0.86   The genes we inherit influence our behaviour.
  gene tell 0.79   But genes tell a very different story.
  gene direct 0.72   The gene directs cells to produce a human protein that is used to treat hemophilia.
  gene contribute 0.66   And how do genes contribute to complex behaviors such as personality?
  gene determine 0.66   But how the genes determine morphology is unknown.
  gene turn 0.66   This same gene also turned out to control the rhythm of their love songs.
  gene provide 0.59   If so, the gene may provide lasting protection.
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