gem dealer 0.66   They visited gem dealers in the Far East to buy the best jewels and pearls.
  gem case 0.39   Pratin had made solving the celbrated Saudi gems case his top priority.
  gem center 0.39   Ieng Sary is based at Pailin, a lucrative gems center in northwesern Cambodia.
  gem cutter 0.39   As a gem cutter, he worked on a variety of stones.
  gem mine 0.39   It was found at a gem mine earlier this month.
  gem mining 0.33   Gem mining and logging at Pailin is a major source of revenue for the group.
  gem trade 0.33   She recently came to Pailin to enter the gem trade.
  gem diamond 0.26   The technique, while very expensive, produced gem diamonds of high quality and large size.
  gem sale 0.26   At best, its Tucson gem show sales might be a fraction of that.
  gem show 0.26   Previously an annual event, the gem show is now being held at least twice a year.
  gem trader 0.26   A majority of the Muslims in Sri Lanka are involved in business, mainly as gem traders.
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