futuristic technology 0.72   Cyberport is one of several futuristic technology parks that are rising from Taiwan to Singapore.
  futuristic vision 0.59   O.K., the futuristic vision sounds great.
  futuristic look 0.53   Not so for the Sebring, whose sleek curves give the car a futuristic look.
  futuristic design 0.46   Their futuristic designs and extreme speed made them less colorful, stylish and personal.
  futuristic fantasy 0.39   Futuristic fantasy?
  futuristic service 0.33   He embraces technology and futuristic services with almost messianic fervor.
  futuristic car 0.26   ...futuristic cars.
  futuristic city 0.26   The futuristic city with the searchlights.
  futuristic film 0.26   Other designers of futuristic films devote significant time and resources to remaking the practical world.
  futuristic gadget 0.26   Gordon is a self-styled master of disguise who invents all sorts of futuristic gadgets that sometimes work, but always annoy West.
  futuristic structure 0.26   It is a futuristic structure with three bulbous-eyed sculptures of fireflies.
  futuristic styling 0.26   Expect futuristic styling and more power from bigger engines.
  futuristic system 0.26   A futuristic system will track developing storms and lightning once it hits the ground during the games.
  futuristic version 0.26   It looks like a futuristic version of an accordion and is played like one, by squeezing a bellow and pressing buttons.
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