future price 103.42   Chicago corn futures prices advanced.
  future market 48.78   It is a futures market.
  future contract 45.56   Declines were led by futures contracts.
  future exchange 6.85   Hence the interest of the two futures exchanges.
  future trader 4.87   Former futures trader Nick Leeson was still in prison Friday.
  future rose 2.96   Wheat futures rose slightly and oats declined.
  future position 1.58   If the short makes a loss on his futures position.
  future broker 1.12   So futures brokers are squeezing investors.
  future brokerage 0.92   Al Lindseth, a broker at GSC Energy Corp., a futures brokerage in Atlanta, agreed.
  future industry 0.92   The futures industry welcomed the nomination of Born.
  future business 0.72   Fachler had just arrived in New Zealand and set up a gold bullion futures business.
  future trade 0.66   Value Line futures and ISDEX futures trade on the Kansas City Board of Trade.
  future dealer 0.59   Individual futures dealers like Luo Xin are now betting on shares.
  future speculation 0.53   But high-leverage futures speculation can be extremely risky.
  future index 0.46   The futures index later recovered about half its losses.
  future commission 0.39   No matter what the futures commission does, the issue is one for the international community.
  future fell 0.39   Three-month deutsche mark futures contracts fell as the market scaled back its expectations of rate reductions.
  future pit 0.39   That spread into the soybean futures pit.
  future rate 0.39   Libor is the basis for Eurodollar futures rates.
  future option 0.33   However, the futures option will not be open to all listed companies during this period, he said.
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