futile attempt 5.86   It was a futile attempt, of course.
  futile effort 3.23   It was a futile effort.
  futile exercise 1.05   This was a futile exercise.
  futile battle 0.86   But he believes that the grouping is not altogether fighting a futile battle.
  futile gesture 0.66   On its face, the resolution may seem a futile gesture.
  futile search 0.66   In their futile search, NHIS officials were remiss.
  futile bid 0.39   Others sported straw hats in a futile bid to keep their hair clean.
  futile pursuit 0.39   He popped up and resumed his futile pursuit.
  futile war 0.39   But he has no doubt that the United States waged a futile war.
  futile defense 0.33   Thailand depleted its foreign exchange reserves in a futile defense of the baht last spring.
  futile dive 0.26   With each futile dive through the near-freezing water, Bullimore lost strength.
  futile hope 0.26   She bent toward the screen in futile hope of glimpsing a familiar face.
  futile one 0.26   Mostly, though, it seems a futile one.
  futile plea 0.26   While Israelis and Palestinians traded sharp words, Annan made a seemingly futile plea for calm.
  futile run 0.26   Despite their futile run in the third, the outcome of the game was never in question.
  futile stab 0.26   This was the voice in my ear mocking our own futile stabs at getting a drink.
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