further cause 3.55   He dedicated his life to furthering the cause of world peace.
  further education 1.97   Thank you for furthering our educations.
  further study 1.97   His work was deeply appreciated, and he furthered his studies.
  further career 1.78   His fluency helped further his career.
  further goal 1.51   Each says the deal furthers that goal.
  further interest 1.18   The prize is intended for use in the school to further interest in chemistry.
  further talk 1.18   However he did not rule out further talks in the future.
  further action 0.99   But it has not revealed what further actions it may take.
  further investigation 0.92   None of the interviews led to further investigations, Allen said.
  further detail 0.86   Liu said he had no details further details.
  further attack 0.66   Nothing was said afterwards about reaction to further attacks.
  further effort 0.66   To further that effort, Prop.
  further cooperation 0.59   Kim said the two intended to further cooperation in culture, sport and tourism.
  further gain 0.59   Investors said that points to further gains for the market.
  further increase 0.59   OPEC plans to review market conditions in June, which could open the door to further production increases.
  further negotiation 0.59   Objections from the health groups could lead to further negotiations with the tobacco companies, analysts said.
  further research 0.59   Sales of the drug have been stopped, pending further research.
  further test 0.59   The team orders further tests.
  further understanding 0.59   Walter Dummer Fisher, an economist who furthered the understanding of econometrics, died Friday.
  further cut 0.53   Whatever the outcome of the debate in Washington, further cuts are expected.
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