fuel be 15.34   Fuel is cool.
  fuel leak 1.05   Jet fuel leaked, fire erupted.
  fuel cost 0.99   Fuel costs airlines big bucks.
  fuel run 0.99   And that fuel is running out.
  fuel burn 0.92   The fuel burned for more than two hours.
  fuel have 0.86   Liquid fuels also have drawbacks.
  fuel spill 0.86   Jet fuel spilled from its ruptured tank.
  fuel ignite 0.79   The fuel ignited from the wick.
  fuel reach 0.53   The spilled fuel did not reach Puget Sound.
  fuel come 0.46   Fuel comes from Tanzania, both by road and by boat up Lake Tanganika.
  fuel arrive 0.39   But the fuel never arrived, and the money disappeared.
  fuel go 0.39   Fuel goes through the hole into the engine.
  fuel cause 0.33   Fuel can cause the most damage in a plane crash.
  fuel produce 0.33   Such alcohol-based fuels produce far less pollution than do petroleum-based fuels.
  fuel reduce 0.33   The fuel reduces carbon-monoxide emissions.
  fuel add 0.26   Extra fuel adds weight, which translates into increased operating costs to the airlines.
  fuel become 0.26   Fuel became unusable.
  fuel catch_fire 0.26   The fuel did not catch fire.
  fuel damage 0.26   No casualties were reported from the crash, but Kazak authorities said that rocket fuel has damaged the environment and that some people have reported health problems.
  fuel get 0.26   Old fuel gets thick and can harm small engines.
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