frost be 2.11   The frost is on the pumpkin.
  frost damage 1.25   Early frosts also damaged some crops.
  frost kill 0.66   Just as I was getting used to the loveliness, frost killed it back.
  frost occur 0.59   Scattered frost will occur in the interior Northwest Monday night.
  frost hit 0.46   It has already been hit by frost in June and July.
  frost blacken 0.39   When frost has blackened the tops, cut them back to two inches above the soil.
  frost come 0.39   And the frost might come.
  frost reduce 0.39   Since less than half the soybean crop is mature, an early frost could reduce yields, traders said.
  frost appear 0.33   There are doubts that frosts will appear at all this year.
  frost form 0.33   Outside, the frost was forming in little sparks on the grass.
  frost nip 0.26   The frost nipped at our fingers.
  frost send 0.26   With Brazil entering its winter, a frost could send prices soaring.
  frost turn 0.26   As spring warms southern Mars, the frost turns directly to gas.
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