frontier town 3.16   What is the frontier town?
  frontier post 2.11   He was questioned by soldiers at a frontier post.
  frontier region 1.78   The frontier region is plagued by a host of tribal insurgencies.
  frontier area 1.51   And some fled to remote frontier areas to carry on the fight.
  frontier control 1.45   Take their planned abolition of frontier controls.
  frontier guard 1.25   Only frontier guards will be allowed to patrol the area.
  frontier state 1.05   The frontier state for the adoption business is California.
  frontier province 0.86   Rajasthan is a frontier province adjoining Pakistan.
  frontier justice 0.79   Frontier justice was short and sweet.
  frontier city 0.72   I did take a plane from Karachi to Peshawar, a Pakistani frontier city.
  frontier zone 0.66   He said they would be guarding valleys along the frontier zone.
  frontier crossing 0.59   Border troops fought a two-hour gun battle Tuesday with Taliban soldiers at a frontier crossing with Afghanistan.
  frontier day 0.59   The ethic is as old as the tough frontier days.
  frontier life 0.59   The rudeness of frontier life gradually diminished with time.
  frontier spirit 0.53   The staid Braves can use a little frontier spirit.
  frontier troop 0.53   Indian, Bangladeshi frontier troops trade fire over rape, murder,
  frontier village 0.53   In turn, it has accused Indian intruders of killing three Bangladeshis at a frontier village.
  frontier outpost 0.46   Fierce renegades terrorize a dusty frontier outpost.
  frontier atmosphere 0.26   There was a frontier atmosphere to the business.
  frontier check 0.26   President Jacques Chirac said Tuesday France may join within a few months, but he too faces right-wing opposition to end frontier checks.
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