fraud charge 38.71   Two million pound fraud charges.
  fraud case 15.87   The fraud case against Shah is pending.
  fraud allegation 5.86   Fraud allegations marred both rounds of voting.
  fraud investigation 4.94   A third office runs the fraud investigations.
  fraud conviction 2.63   Scandal ends with fraud conviction.
  fraud trial 2.57   A federal fraud trial can hush a man.
  fraud scheme 2.17   In these fraud schemes, there are several layers of trusts.
  fraud squad 2.11   Fraud squad search for missing charity boss.
  fraud investigator 1.84   The calls are referred to fraud investigators.
  fraud suit 1.78   The SEC is filing five civil fraud suits in New York and Salt Lake City, Utah.
  fraud lawsuit 1.51   The commission filed a fraud lawsuit against Prudential.
  fraud claim 1.32   Russell on Friday tossed out the fraud claim.
  fraud law 1.25   For that reason, the Justice Department said, the mail fraud law does apply.
  fraud scandal 1.25   Bre-X is now at the center of a huge international fraud scandal.
  fraud count 1.12   Donnelly pleaded guilty to two fraud counts.
  fraud complaint 1.05   Consumers can file a fraud complaint with the FTC online at
  fraud ring 0.92   Often, fraud rings will not bother making reservations.
  fraud officer 0.86   As Parretti walked across the tarmac, fraud officers closed in.
  fraud victim 0.86   Another alleged credit card fraud victim testifies today.
  fraud probe 0.79   Police seek Malaysian in offshore loan fraud probe, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
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