franc be 6.45   The franc is France.
  franc fall 3.62   The French franc fell back.
  franc rise 2.44   The Swiss franc rose against all major currencies.
  franc remain 2.30   The French franc remained stable.
  franc continue 1.38   The French franc continued to ease as a result.
  franc gain 1.32   The French franc gained ground against the mark.
  franc make 1.32   A stronger franc makes imports cheaper.
  franc weaken 1.05   The franc weakened a tad on Wednesday.
  franc suffer 0.86   The franc also suffered from the rally of the German economy as indicated by the growth in German GDP.
  franc lose 0.79   The franc initially lost ground before recovering.
  franc benefit 0.72   The franc has benefitted in part from the strength of the dollar against the mark.
  franc rally 0.72   The franc then rallied.
  franc firm 0.66   The franc has since firmed.
  franc hold 0.66   In Paris, the franc held firm against the mark.
  franc mean 0.66   A strong franc means the company receives fewer francs for each dollar billed.
  franc slip 0.66   The franc slipped moderately against the dollar.
  franc come 0.59   But the franc has come under pressure from the mark which has risen in response to the fall of the dollar.
  franc help 0.59   A weaker Swiss franc also helped.
  franc appreciate 0.53   The franc appreciated against many currencies last year.
  franc show 0.53   The franc showed little strength, he said.
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