fractured skull 10.40   Fractured skull.
  fractured rib 4.67   He was diagnosed as having a fractured rib and cheekbone.
  fractured ankle 3.49   One person suffered a fractured ankle.
  fractured leg 2.70   She suffered a fractured leg.
  fractured wrist 2.63   Mike Modano persevered with a fractured left wrist.
  fractured jaw 2.50   Safadi suffered a fractured jaw.
  fractured cheekbone 2.37   X-rays showed he had a fractured cheekbone.
  fractured thumb 2.30   Charles Oakley is out with a fractured thumb.
  fractured bone 2.17   X-rays later confirmed a fractured bone.
  fractured vertebra 2.11   Dickson sustained a fractured vertebrae.
  fractured foot 1.97   He survived with broken ribs, a fractured foot and head injuries.
  fractured arm 1.78   They also said he was walking with a limp and had a fractured arm.
  fractured opposition 1.71   The fractured opposition united, and have responded with daily protests.
  fractured pelvis 1.51   A fractured pelvis put an end to his career.
  fractured collarbone 0.99   As it turned out, I had a fractured left collarbone and a battered ego.
  fractured family 0.99   And how will the fractured Cappadora family survive this terrible event?
  fractured fibula 0.92   Winston Bogarde already is out of the tournament with a fractured right fibula.
  fractured hip 0.92   I have a fractured hip.
  fractured nation 0.92   They torment the lives of millions in fractured nations around the world.
  fractured country 0.86   But a fractured country is a real possibility.
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