fossil record 4.74   The fossil record bears this out.
  fossil hunter 1.71   They both represent states that are meccas for fossil hunters.
  fossil evidence 1.51   The fossil evidence is confirmed by the record of the genes.
  fossil bone 1.18   Fossil bones were just lying around in the open.
  fossil hunting 1.18   Fossil hunting is a costly business.
  fossil find 0.92   Scientists announce fossil find.
  fossil species 0.72   There are species living today related to this fossil species.
  fossil discovery 0.66   Fossil discoveries are to some extent a matter of luck.
  fossil remains 0.66   We know this from their fossil remains.
  fossil dealer 0.53   The fossil dealer who excavated the dinosaur, Peter L. Larsen, is serving a two-year sentence at a federal prison camp.
  fossil collector 0.46   But the urban fossil collectors were taking their manhole fetish to a new level.
  fossil microbe 0.46   Farmer knows from experience how hard it is to find fossil microbes on Earth.
  fossil skull 0.46   The fossil skull exhibit allows an interactive approach.
  fossil collection 0.39   Its fossil collection includes a dinosaur egg.
  fossil fish 0.39   Mixed in with the muck is an occasional fossil fish tooth, about one-fortieth of an inch long.
  fossil footprint 0.39   In some rocks you can find the fossil footprints of fishes.
  fossil site 0.39   The western Andean foothill provinces of Argentina are rich in fossil sites.
  fossil hominid 0.33   We also measured this hole in the skulls of a number of fossil hominids.
  fossil specimen 0.33   ...North American fossil specimens.
  fossil show 0.26   Its skull will be shown soon at a large commercial fossil show in Arizona.
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