forward contract 6.32   A forward contract isnormally held until maturity.
  forward position 5.53   Crawford plays both forward positions.
  forward line 5.40   They play on the same forward line.
  forward base 3.03   Clarke said the mission was to establish a forward operating base.
  forward motion 3.03   Clearly, he has a way with forward motion.
  forward sale 2.44   Newmont will deliver it as the forward sales come due.
  forward movement 1.91   But there was forward movement too.
  forward market 1.84   The shilling floats freely in the spot and forward markets.
  forward spot 1.65   But it gets dicey at the forward spots.
  forward rate 1.58   The relationship between spot yields and forward rates is shown in.
  forward momentum 1.45   What does delight King is his forward momentum.
  forward air 1.05   Forward air controllers are essential to certain NATO operations.
  forward cargo 1.05   The blanket is located directly behind the forward cargo control unit, Hall said.
  forward speed 1.05   Lift is reduced as forward speed declines.
  forward progress 0.99   This is not forward progress.
  forward leg 0.92   Ajay Jadeja was at forward short leg to catch the ball.
  forward pack 0.92   The respective forward packs are likely to hold the key.
  forward play 0.92   Forward play is as important in rugby as playing sevens style.
  forward compartment 0.86   Most sailors were in forward compartments and died instantly in the blasts, Russian officials said.
  forward section 0.86   The forward section had been breached.
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