form government 16.26   A new coalition government was formed,
  form committee 10.53   More committees have been formed.
  form group 5.66   Groups were formed to meet the demand.
  form company 4.94   The company was formed last year.
  form coalition 4.74   Eleven business coalitions were formed to lobby the issue.
  form commission 4.15   The commission never was formed.
  form alliance 3.82   Alliances were formed.
  form team 2.63   --Form a team.
  form party 1.91   The party was formed in February.
  form cabinet 1.45   The cabinet was formed in January.
  form organization 1.38   Two competing organizations were formed.
  form panel 1.38   The panel was formed at the request of the prime minister.
  form unit 1.38   The patrol unit apparently was formed with police approval.
  form partnership 1.25   A partnership is formed.
  form consortium 1.18   One of the reasons the consortium was formed was to reduce costs.
  form council 1.05   A family council was formed.
  form dough 0.92   Form dough into a ball.
  form club 0.86   Many clubs are formed as limited partnerships and taxed individually.
  form basis 0.79   The plan should form the basis of a written agreement with those having parental responsibility for the child.
  form administration 0.72   Sinn Fein had both expected the administration to be formed by October.
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