forgive debt 3.75   Ann Symington said she then forgave the debt.
  forgive loan 2.11   Some companies forgive these loans.
  forgive sin 1.38   Only God can forgive sin!
  forgive killer 0.92   Forgive the killer of her mother?
  forgive husband 0.72   Wives forgive husbands.
  forgive investor 0.72   Investors may be forgiven for being underwhelmed.
  forgive people 0.72   But I forgive the people who said things about me.
  forgive mistake 0.59   Forgive his mistake.
  forgive man 0.53   Forgive the man.
  forgive crime 0.46   But dishes like these forgave all crimes.
  forgive enemy 0.46   Jesus taught that we should forgive our enemies.
  forgive fan 0.46   Forgive fans in other parts of the country for being far from excited.
  forgive president 0.46   Perhaps, Filipinos at large have already forgiven president Marcos.
  forgive son 0.46   Forgive your sons.
  forgive father 0.39   She has forgiven her father.
  forgive mother 0.39   Streisand forgave her mother.
  forgive lapse 0.33   But silent-film buffs are usually willing to forgive such lapses.
  forgive baseball 0.26   Had they forgiven baseball or were they still mad?
  forgive error 0.26   Buffett said he forgave the error.
  forgive fine 0.26   Peggy likes forgiving library fines.
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