folk hero 11.06   But he became a folk hero.
  folk tales 3.29   He published a compendium of folk tales.
  folk tune 1.65   It begins as a folk tune.
  folk wisdom 1.45   Like most folk wisdom it is true, I think.
  folk festival 1.32   Drummondville is home to the largest folk festival in North America.
  folk costume 1.25   Some of their children were dressed in traditional folk costumes.
  folk healer 1.18   After two or three days, his parents consulted an elderly folk healer.
  folk tradition 1.18   Ah, yes, the folk tradition.
  folk remedy 1.12   So this is about folk remedies.
  folk belief 0.99   Folk belief also surrounds meteor showers.
  folk musician 0.99   TOP folk musicians will be heading for Darlington next month.
  folk culture 0.92   Contemporary Indian cinema has its roots in folk culture.
  folk group 0.86   The event was celebrated in song by a folk group.
  folk religion 0.86   Folk religion also has a darker side.
  folk concert 0.66   It featured a three-hour rock and folk concert.
  folk ballad 0.59   Those words are repeated in folk ballads.
  folk opera 0.59   You could write a jazz concerto or a folk opera.
  folk album 0.53   He lost to Emmylou Harris for contemporary folk album.
  folk memory 0.53   The witch image, however, does, remain, at least as a folk memory.
  folk legend 0.46   We examine musical sources and folk legends.
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