fluid be 3.03   The fluid is oily.
  fluid accumulate 0.72   Fluid accumulated between the layers of his lungs.
  fluid build_up 0.72   Glaucoma occurs when the fluid builds up in the eyeball.
  fluid collect 0.46   Why the fluid had collected was unclear.
  fluid begin 0.33   Warm fluid began to run down his back.
  fluid contain 0.33   Such fluids contain no salt, which is essential to the body but conducts electricity.
  fluid fill 0.33   Several hours after exposure, fluid fills the lungs, essentially drowning the victim.
  fluid leak 0.33   Brake fluid was leaking out from under my car.
  fluid flow 0.26   Unless a neural tube into the spinal column is open, fluid can not flow out of the skull.
  fluid move 0.26   His improved routes, his fluid moves.
  fluid need 0.26   If I ever become convinced that my brake fluid needs changing at all, I might try this.
  fluid seep 0.26   Fluid seeps into their lungs, blocking breathing.
  fluid tend 0.26   In space, fluids tend to creep toward the upper torso.
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