fluid motion 1.58   The fluid motion.
  fluid transport 1.38   No effect on fluid transport was seen.
  fluid buildup 1.32   Fluid buildup.
  fluid retention 1.32   ...fluid retention.
  fluid loss 1.18   Fluid loss is usually accompanied by electrolyte loss.
  fluid movement 1.05   With Gretzky, it all seems like one fluid movement.
  fluid situation 1.05   This was a very fluid evolving situation.
  fluid intake 0.99   Bed rest and large fluid intake are essential.
  fluid secretion 0.86   Both drugs significantly reduced fluid secretion or increased fluid absorption.
  fluid absorption 0.79   A large net fluid absorption was then recorded.
  fluid flow 0.72   Like cholesterol, it gradually restricts fluid flow.
  fluid level 0.66   Check power steering fluid level once a month.
  fluid line 0.53   He devotes as much time to research as he does to fluid lines and colors.
  fluid pressure 0.53   Glaucoma involves damage to the optic nerve, often from too much fluid pressure in the eye.
  fluid accumulation 0.46   Symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue and fluid accumulation.
  fluid leak 0.46   Johnston said the fluid leak results from a weakness or a herniation in the capsule.
  fluid milk 0.46   It can be reconstituted and used like any fluid milk product.
  fluid pant 0.46   Both long and short lengths have sold well, as have fluid pants, Harris said.
  fluid collection 0.39   Ultrasound showed a small subhepatic fluid collection.
  fluid stride 0.39   We need General Challenge to get away clean, and get into a nice fluid stride.
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