float idea 13.56   But the idea has been floated.
  float proposal 3.49   Instead, politicians have floated proposals.
  float share 2.70   Shares will be floated later in the year.
  float currency 2.37   The currency was floated today.
  float name 1.58   Other names were floated Wednesday for leadership posts.
  float baht 1.51   Chavalit was forced to float the baht.
  float bond 1.51   Sometimes tax money is diverted or public bonds are floated.
  float possibility 1.38   She floated the possibility in a conversation with her husband, Glenn.
  float ball 1.32   Fonseca took the ball down the left before floating the ball into the area.
  float peso 1.05   Uruguay freely floats its peso.
  float plan 0.99   The plan was floated several weeks ago, Randolph said.
  float notion 0.79   Even so, Perot keeps floating the notion of having another go at an independent candidacy.
  float boat 0.59   Children were floating small boats made of banana leaves.
  float company 0.59   The company will be floated on the stockmarket next year.
  float compromise 0.53   Several proposed compromises have been floated to resolve the crisis.
  float barge 0.46   It released just enough water to float the barge one way.
  float part 0.46   Last May, Telkomsel claimed it would float part of its shares.
  float rate 0.46   Yen swaps rates, what traders use to convert floating rates to fixed rates, rose in line with bond yields.
  float theory 0.46   On occasion, other theories have been floated.
  float rumor 0.39   Rodman figures Jordan floated the rumor himself.
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