flight to
235.35 |
Another flight to Manchester. |
flight from
138.78 |
A six-hour flight from Los Angeles. |
flight of
64.91 |
This is not a flight of fancy. |
flight between
34.36 |
There are scheduled flights between the islands. |
flight in
28.64 |
First airplane flight in Kitty Hawk, N.C. |
flight over
26.66 |
I booked the flight over the Internet. |
flight for
23.96 |
Galileo had been in flight for six years. |
flight on
17.31 |
Our charter flight on Abaco Air. |
flight by
15.73 |
Flights by Air Europe depart Gatwick on Tuesdays. |
flight into
15.01 |
It was his second flight into exile. |
flight out_of
12.57 |
All flights out of Chicago were cancelled. |
flight at
12.31 |
Some booked costly flights at the last minute. |
flight a
9.74 |
There is one flight a day. |
flight with
9.48 |
Pilots guide their flights with it. |
flight as
5.66 |
Simon Ammann discovered flight as a boy. |
flight after
5.53 |
Many passengers switch flight after bomb threat. |
flight in_and_out_of
4.61 |
The sanctions ban flights in and out of Iraq. |
flight through
4.15 |
Flights through the wee hours are common. |
flight across
3.75 |
The flight across the Atlantic was pleasant. |
flight within
2.63 |
Iberia Airlines offers the most flights within Spain. |