flick ball 3.95   Esteban Cambiasso was on hand to flick the ball home.
  flick switch 2.30   Flick the switch, two sheep.
  flick puck 0.86   Worrell then flicked the puck past goalie Corey Schwab.
  flick ash 0.79   Papa flicked the ash from his cigar.
  flick pass 0.66   Hough flicked a pass to center Travis Green on the right.
  flick shot 0.66   McKenna calmly flicked a shot past Ferdinand.
  flick finger 0.59   And he flicked his finger at the packet in disdain.
  flick wrist 0.53   He flicked his wrist and sent the critter flying.
  flick light 0.46   Yeah Can I just flick the light on for a second?
  flick lighter 0.46   Dozens more flicked lighters and lit flashlights.
  flick glance 0.39   She flicked a glance at him.
  flick hair 0.39   She flicked her hair back over her shoulder.
  flick tail 0.39   He looked happy, flicking his tail and nodding his head as the water splashed over him.
  flick butt 0.33   Blick said the blaze started when he flicked a cigarette butt near the house.
  flick cigarette 0.33   He flicked his cigarette out of the window.
  flick eye 0.33   He flicked narrowed eyes at her.
  flick header 0.26   A corner followed and Moeller flicked a header just past the post.
  flick tongue 0.26   The snake flicked its tongue in and out.
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