finnish team 4.02   The Finnish team is in Kosovo under an EU mandate.
  finnish government 3.23   Finnish government proposes law to curb public drinking,
  finnish capital 2.76   Kim Pyong-Il was named ambassador to the Finnish capital in March.
  finnish driver 2.70   The other seven were won by Finnish drivers.
  finnish president 2.57   The Finnish president was also due to visit Brazil.
  finnish company 2.30   Two Finnish companies were among the top three gainers.
  finnish official 1.97   Finnish officials could not reached for comment Wednesday.
  finnish police 1.78   They were later seized by Finnish police.
  finnish telecommunication 1.71   The Finnish telecommunications company will release its first-quarter results tomorrow.
  finnish defense 1.45   Rehn, a former Finnish defense minister.
  finnish counterpart 1.32   Ciller met with her Finnish counterpart, Tarja Halonen.
  finnish defenseman 1.12   The Dallas Stars waived struggling Finnish defenseman Jyrki Lumme on Monday.
  finnish tourist 1.05   Two Finnish tourists are currently believed held hostage.
  finnish medium 0.99   The man has denied any involvement, Finnish media said.
  finnish ministry 0.92   The Finnish ministry said the pilot was a Canadian, but did not have his name.
  finnish expert 0.86   The Finnish legal expert visited the region in January.
  finnish woman 0.86   A Finnish woman was chosen as the first Miss Universe.
  finnish authority 0.72   The list was released last month by Finnish banking authorities.
  finnish border 0.72   Anda Re, a Japanese citizen, was detained on the Finnish border, the report said.
  finnish law 0.72   Under Finnish law, the identities of suspects are normally not disclosed.
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