fingerprint check 2.11   A fingerprint check proved he was the missing man.
  fingerprint evidence 1.58   So what happens now with fingerprint evidence?
  fingerprint scanner 1.05   Identix cited delays in shipping a new, miniature fingerprint scanner.
  fingerprint system 1.05   Computerized fingerprint systems fundamentally changed the rules.
  fingerprint expert 0.86   Then the prosecution put an FBI fingerprint expert, Peter J. Belcastro, on the stand.
  fingerprint analysis 0.79   The reliability of fingerprint analysis went unchallenged for decades.
  fingerprint identification 0.79   But now, the reliability of crime-scene fingerprint identification is being challenged.
  fingerprint test 0.72   Fingerprint tests have confirmed it.
  fingerprint technology 0.66   Other companies have created similar fingerprint identity verification technology.
  fingerprint reader 0.59   A new fingerprint reader keeps others from logging onto your computer.
  fingerprint specialist 0.46   He also spent two years as a fingerprint specialist for the FBI.
  fingerprint examiner 0.39   A fingerprint examiner then checks each manually.
  fingerprint image 0.39   The fingerprint image is discarded, and the points are assigned numbers.
  fingerprint record 0.39   Peruvian police finally confirmed her identity after Japanese authorities sent fingerprint records.
  fingerprint sample 0.39   This could be the first playoff race decided on the basis of DNA evidence and fingerprint samples.
  fingerprint file 0.33   Palad said the bureau has no fingerprint files for de Guzman of its own.
  fingerprint card 0.26   ATF requires more information from applicants, including fingerprint cards and photographs.
  fingerprint program 0.26   State and U.S. attorneys general and the Federal Reserve Bank also have endorsed the fingerprint program.
  fingerprint technician 0.26   Hampered by the tear gas, fingerprint technicians needed several hours to identify the body.
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