finalize deal 9.61   But that deal was not finalized.
  finalize plan 8.23   The plans were finalized last Thursday.
  finalize agreement 7.97   The agreement was finalized last night.
  finalize detail 6.19   Now, Walker needs only to finalize details.
  finalize contract 2.63   The contract will be finalized in coming weeks.
  finalize decision 2.30   She is expected to finalize her decision Wednesday.
  finalize arrangement 1.78   He said the arrangements would be finalized in a week or so.
  finalize accord 1.25   U.S. negotiators return to China to finalize trade accord.
  finalize divorce 1.25   Their divorce was finalized in March.
  finalize report 1.05   The report was finalized by the committee in March.
  finalize proposal 0.86   But the ministers failed to finalize the proposal.
  finalize sale 0.86   That money, if the sale is finalized, will be lost.
  finalize negotiation 0.79   However, analysts said negotiations were by no means finalized.
  finalize term 0.79   All that remains now is for Cardiff to finalize personal terms with the player.
  finalize merger 0.72   He said the merger would be finalized in November.
  finalize team 0.66   Their team will be finalized on Sunday.
  finalize transfer 0.66   Forest manager Frank Clark flew to Turin to finalize the transfer.
  finalize budget 0.59   They were waiting for the Electoral Commission, appointed three months ago, to finalize a budget.
  finalize preparation 0.59   Finalize preparation for your home and property now.
  finalize text 0.59   Council sources said members would meet again late Thursday in hopes of finalizing the text.
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