filthy rich 1.65   Players are filthy rich.
  filthy water 0.92   Torrents of filthy water can spread cholera.
  filthy lucre 0.79   They smelled filthy lucre in the dirty linen.
  filthy condition 0.72   ...indescribably filthy conditions.
  filthy street 0.66   Just bloody London with its grime and filthy streets and the booze.
  filthy hospital 0.39   McCain was moved to a filthy hospital, where blood and plasma were administered.
  filthy toilet 0.39   Take snakes, dentist visits, filthy public toilets ... please!
  filthy air 0.33   A scorching midday sun makes the filthy air feel like an industrial furnace.
  filthy apartment 0.33   They said she had been attacked, in front of the children, by a man who forced his way into her filthy apartment.
  filthy house 0.33   Clean your filthy house.
  filthy mattress 0.33   A filthy mattress with five open wounds, which is pretty horrendous.
  filthy room 0.33   The last time I had seen a white rose had been in that filthy room in the Tower.
  filthy blanket 0.26   A patient hid motionless under filthy blankets.
  filthy child 0.26   FEATURE-SOUTH AFRICA-MIXED HILLBROW, a nightmare of filthy street children and howling police sirens.
  filthy clothes 0.26   They were poor men with filthy clothes and hacking winter coughs.
  filthy floor 0.26   It is like a house with filthy floors and piles of unwashed laundry and undone dishes.
  filthy surroundings 0.26   Sexually wanton women, filthy surroundings and ruthless human sacrifices.
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