fighting be 42.33   So is the fighting.
  fighting continue 25.87   Sporadic fighting continues.
  fighting begin 15.67   Then, the fighting begins.
  fighting erupt 15.47   New fighting erupts in Colombia.
  fighting break_out 12.44   Sporadic street fighting broke out.
  fighting take 10.40   The fighting took place on Tuesday.
  fighting rage 9.55   Outside, the fighting raged on.
  fighting stop 7.97   The fighting must stop.
  fighting end 7.44   Let the fighting end.
  fighting come 6.32   Meanwhile, the fighting comes fast and furious.
  fighting start 5.20   The fighting had started in my country.
  fighting spread 4.28   The fighting spread south to Kabezi.
  fighting occur 4.08   Pakistan denied the fighting occurred.
  fighting escalate 3.82   The fighting has escalated.
  fighting go 3.75   But the fighting went on.
  fighting resume 3.29   The fighting resumed.
  fighting appear 3.23   The fighting appeared to slow Wednesday.
  fighting leave 3.23   The fighting left no casualties.
  fighting flare 3.03   Ethnic fighting flares in eastern Congo.
  fighting subside 2.96   The fighting later subsided.
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