fight be 83.34   The fight is on now.
  fight break_out 17.45   Fights broke out.
  fight go 8.43   The fight goes on.
  fight begin 7.04   Let the fight begin.
  fight end 4.67   The fight had virtually ended.
  fight take 4.34   Everybody wants this fight to take place.
  fight erupt 4.28   Fights erupt.
  fight start 4.28   A fight started.
  fight continue 4.15   The fight continues.
  fight have 3.42   Had a fight over a stick!
  fight come 3.16   I know the fights will come.
  fight ensue 2.37   A fight ensued.
  fight become 2.24   The fight has become nasty.
  fight involve 1.84   The fight involved fists and pistol butts.
  fight happen 1.65   Fights will happen.
  fight occur 1.45   Fights must occur.
  fight appear 1.32   The fight would appear to be a tossup.
  fight turn 1.18   The copyright fight turns personal.
  fight escalate 1.05   The political fight is escalating.
  fight last 1.05   The fight lasted two rounds.
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