fetal tissue 5.79   The use of fetal tissue is not new in medicine.
  fetal cell 4.08   Fetal cells could be harmful.
  fetal development 2.57   It also included experts on fetal development, law and bioethics.
  fetal pig 0.99   Fetal pigs have four-chambered hearts just like we do.
  fetal growth 0.72   And that will be a gene that encourages fetal growth.
  fetal brain 0.59   Actually, the researchers used fully developed fetal brain cells.
  fetal monitor 0.53   Two fetal monitors.
  fetal surgery 0.46   All babies that undergo fetal surgery are delivered prematurely.
  fetal death 0.39   Intensified prenatal care has reduced the number of fetal deaths and underweight babies.
  fetal viability 0.39   Fetal viability has become shorter with new medical technology.
  fetal abnormality 0.33   Some say the law bans virtually all late-term abortions, with no exceptions for severe fetal abnormalities.
  fetal distress 0.33   Fetal distress.
  fetal life 0.33   Women who are very thin before pregnancy are more likely to deliver babies whose growth was restricted during fetal life.
  fetal organ 0.33   Jones published a price list for fetal organs.
  fetal alcohol 0.26   Doctors diagnosed her as being fetal alcohol affected.
  fetal damage 0.26   The company said it had documented no occurrence of the fetal damage.
  fetal deformity 0.26   Or in cases of extreme fetal deformity.
  fetal gene 0.26   There is similar pressure to push forward fetal gene therapy in the United States too.
  fetal lung 0.26   This receptor is normally present in fetal lungs, helping them to mature.
  fetal skin 0.26   They began with fibroblasts, or fetal skin and connective-tissue cells.
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