feminine side 2.17   Elvis Stojko denies his feminine side.
  feminine hygiene 1.18   A Zip-Loc bag filled with feminine hygiene items.
  feminine touch 1.12   The gentlemen appreciated all her feminine touches.
  feminine look 0.86   The flirty feminine look is big.
  feminine clothes 0.72   The most feminine clothes seen in years.
  feminine beauty 0.59   ...a manufactured ideal of feminine beauty.
  feminine ideal 0.59   But she, too, felt compelled to whip herself into the dominant feminine ideal.
  feminine face 0.46   Study says women like men with feminine faces.
  feminine charm 0.39   High heels are seen as helping to heighten feminine charm.
  feminine style 0.39   Women designers contributed to the feminine style of the new model, which will replace the aging XJS.
  feminine blouse 0.33   The elder Ohno wore various feminine blouses, skirts and robes in the hourlong solo.
  feminine dress 0.33   Romantically feminine dresses and jewelry at Honeysuckle Hollow.
  feminine power 0.33   If this does not signal feminine power, then what does?
  feminine quality 0.33   Of course, any talk of feminine qualities touches on the controversial question that this release stirs up.
  feminine boy 0.26   Very feminine boys are probably rare, Bailey said.
  feminine color 0.26   There were waves of that feminine color in sexy, seductive suits.
  feminine desire 0.26   This feminine desire for expensive expressions of devotion often meets with disappointment.
  feminine principle 0.26   She celebrates motherhood and the feminine principle.
  feminine product 0.26   They rejected an offer from feminine products manufacturer Tampax.
  feminine role 0.26   ...male leaders worrying about their women abandoning traditional feminine roles.
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