felony charge 28.18   Castillo said felony charges are now pending.
  felony count 11.85   Guilty on seven felony counts.
  felony conviction 8.82   Felony tax evasion conviction.
  felony murder 4.28   He was convicted of felony murder.
  felony possession 3.36   She was convicted of felony possession of the drug.
  felony case 1.71   This trouble, as it turned out, was a felony case.
  felony assault 1.58   The charge could be felony assault.
  felony theft 1.38   Begelman pleaded no contest to felony grand theft.
  felony crime 1.32   He called for making payment delinquency a felony crime in some cases.
  felony offense 1.18   It was her second felony drug offense.
  felony record 0.99   No felony record.
  felony abuse 0.86   Cheryl was arrested and charged with felony child abuse.
  felony prosecution 0.79   Common-law felony prosecutions are extremely rare in modern times.
  felony trial 0.79   Four felony trials resulted in three acquittals and a mistrial.
  felony warrant 0.72   Felony warrants may be issued for others later, Cox said.
  felony indictment 0.53   Koppell obtained felony indictments, but the verdict Monday immediately caused second-guessing.
  felony arrest 0.39   However, without POST certification, a chief still cannot make a felony arrest.
  felony violation 0.39   In December Hubbell pleaded guilty to two felony violations for bilking the firm.
  felony burglary 0.33   Barton was charged with felony burglary.
  felony penalty 0.33   Twenty-seven states now have felony penalties for cockfighting, at least on the second offense.
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