feeling about 68.01   I have a bad feeling about this.
  feeling in 26.86   Not a strong feeling in favour?
  feeling among 9.74   My job is to unite feelings among them.
  feeling on 9.35   I mean feelings on the matter.
  feeling toward 7.37   Feelings toward the troops are complex.
  feeling to 6.85   I expressed that feeling to him.
  feeling with 4.34   Why share his feelings with strangers?
  feeling from 3.88   She gets a warm feeling from it.
  feeling between 3.75   There is no bad feeling between us.
  feeling like 3.69   I have feelings like everyone else.
  feeling at 2.96   Check your feelings at the door.
  feeling against 2.50   Feelings against government regulation run strong here.
  feeling as 2.30   Gaullism is as much a feeling as an idea.
  feeling by 1.91   He exhibits his feelings by yelling and hitting people.
  feeling after 1.71   Mitchell did not hide his feelings after the race.
  feeling into 1.71   Turning those feelings into lucid prose?
  feeling over 1.65   Mixed feelings over museum on Cambodian genocide.
  feeling through 1.32   I expressed my feelings through other things.
  feeling inside 1.25   There was a feeling inside us.
  feeling than 1.25   There is no better feeling than this.
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