favorable weather 10.34   Favorable weather was forecast.
  favorable treatment 7.83   The company denied they received favorable treatment.
  favorable condition 6.91   Even such favorable conditions were not enough.
  favorable term 6.25   It now is seeking more favorable terms.
  favorable review 6.19   Favorable reviews sparked sales.
  favorable tax 4.67   Investment in workers should receive favorable tax treatment.
  favorable ruling 4.54   Glickman said he expected a favorable ruling from the FDA.
  favorable report 3.09   She wrote a favorable report about them.
  favorable impression 2.83   He gave a very favorable impression.
  favorable light 2.70   And only four of those shows portray Pop in a favorable light.
  favorable trade 2.63   Clinton calls for favorable trade terms for China.
  favorable reaction 2.44   But a totally unscientific survey elicited favorable reaction.
  favorable coverage 2.30   ORT once had given blanket, favorable coverage to Putin.
  favorable rating 2.30   He ended his career with favorable public ratings.
  favorable price 2.11   This is a way to obtain a more favorable price.
  favorable rate 2.04   He said that the markets now offer favorable financing rates.
  favorable climate 1.97   Even in the favorable climate there have been some duds.
  favorable response 1.91   Condit gets favorable preliminary response.
  favorable result 1.91   A favorable result does not offer definitive proof.
  favorable news 1.84   Patients and their doctors want favorable news.
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