fabulous wealth 1.58   Fabulous wealth.
  fabulous job 1.12   And the banks did a fabulous job.
  fabulous view 0.86   Your office has those fabulous views.
  fabulous career 0.72   He had a fabulous junior career.
  fabulous freshman 0.46   The fabulous freshman on this day was nothing more than a decoy.
  fabulous dessert 0.39   This fabulous dessert is smooth and rich.
  fabulous success 0.39   Two for two is a fabulous success rate in show business.
  fabulous time 0.39   I had a fabulous time.
  fabulous amount 0.33   He is making fabulous amounts of money.
  fabulous art 0.33   Both possessed fabulous art collections.
  fabulous fabric 0.33   Sometimes the fabulous fabric exuberance got so busy it made one dizzy.
  fabulous life 0.33   I have a fabulous life.
  fabulous meal 0.33   That was really a fabulous meal.
  fabulous season 0.33   A winner at Aintree would round off a fabulous season.
  fabulous sum 0.33   The painting was sold for a fabulous sum.
  fabulous treasure 0.33   -- a fabulous treasure in a lost city.
  fabulous array 0.26   This is a fabulous array of artifacts, including some recently discovered.
  fabulous beach 0.26   One of its buildings is actually right next to the fabulous long sandy beach.
  fabulous house 0.26   He looked at the site and told me I could have a fabulous house.
  fabulous people 0.26   Lots of fabulous people.
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