explosive be 10.73   Explosives are required.
  explosive go 3.23   The explosive did not go off.
  explosive cause 1.58   The explosives caused mild damage and injured three people.
  explosive detonate 1.58   The explosive apparently detonated prematurely.
  explosive blow 0.72   Last week, four suspected ETA members died when explosives blew up in their car.
  explosive find 0.53   Catholic youths attack police after explosives finds.
  explosive have 0.53   The explosives would have to be disarmed.
  explosive kill 0.39   Explosives in truck kill eight police officers.
  explosive contain 0.33   Three small explosives contained in tin cans detonated and two more were defused.
  explosive appear 0.26   Bosnian officials said the explosives appeared to have been planted overnight.
  explosive belong 0.26   Police are investigating whether the explosives belonged to the men.
  explosive come 0.26   Police are now trying to find out where the explosives came from.
  explosive hit 0.26   But Cline-Thomas told reporters his home had been hit by explosives dropped by a helicopter with Sierra Leone markings.
  explosive injure 0.26   The following year, a Unabomber explosive injured Percy Woods, then president of United.
  explosive make 0.26   Vuchev said the blast happened in a workshop where explosives where made.
  explosive strap 0.26   The bomber had explosives strapped to his body and detonated them on the bus.
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