exploration company 6.39   Segner, too, is a fan of exploration companies.
  exploration contract 2.63   The exploration contract is for six years.
  exploration project 2.44   CRA has a number of exploration projects in Argentina.
  exploration activity 1.84   The mining industry saw less oil and gas exploration activity.
  exploration right 1.78   The delegation also won gold exploration rights.
  exploration deal 1.32   Amoco has a number of exploration deals in Kazakstan.
  exploration program 1.32   Fletcher energy started a three-month exploration program in early April.
  exploration cost 1.12   The company has had to sell assets to pay for its exploration costs.
  exploration effort 0.99   To date, exploration efforts have relied on surface drilling.
  exploration work 0.99   Slavneft is expected to start exploration work in March or April.
  exploration firm 0.92   Shares in beleaguered gold exploration firm rise.
  exploration well 0.86   Exploration wells sprouted across the treeless plain.
  exploration area 0.72   The exploration area is in western Shan State.
  exploration agreement 0.66   The oil exploration agreement was announced last week.
  exploration block 0.66   The company owns all rights to the exploration blocks.
  exploration budget 0.66   Exploration budgets are being held down across most of the industry.
  exploration license 0.66   Arco already has two exploration licenses in the west of the Shetland region.
  exploration site 0.66   The government said in March it was inviting tenders from international oil companies to bid for three new exploration sites.
  exploration expense 0.59   Earnings benefited from lower exploration expenses and cost-cutting.
  exploration concession 0.53   Both have granted exploration concessions to foreign oil companies in contested waters.
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